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  • Donna Lim

In everything give thanks!

Note from Donna … Each year I take a moment to just breath and acknowledge all the things that happened in the year. I intentionally convey my gratitude for those in my life. I know it may be hard to believe, but I even give gratitude to those areas of my life that have been challenging. The challenge afforded me the opportunity to grow. Here are 30 things I am grateful for this year. I challenge you to make your own list.

1. I am grateful for my life. It is rich with joy, happiness, love, and laughter.

2. I am grateful for my supportive husband. He may not understand my business, but he unwearyingly listens to me talk about it.

3. I’m grateful to still have both of my parents with me. Each moment I share with them is a treasure I store in my memory.

4. It’s gratifying to watch my kids find their significant others.

5. I feel blessed that everyday I get to do work that makes an impact on the world around me.

6. I am overwhelming grateful for life coaches that help you see beyond your original field of vision. Holly Lasky you are the best!

7. I appreciate having the Profit First Professional people in my life to help me grow.

8. I am grateful to the Run Like Clockwork team that is helping us implement systems that will keep my business running far longer than I will.

9. I realize that I can run by business without my 2nd in command. Cheri Bayless you are incredible.

10. I am grateful that Brooke Schaefer joined the team this year.

11. I am ever so grateful that Bretney Moysset has stayed loyal to Sooter Consulting.

12. I am appreciative of Melanie Johnson joining the team.

13. I’m grateful to have had Larissa Summer’s do a series of newsletters this year given me the time to complete my Profit First Certification.

14. I’m beyond grateful to my clients who allow us to partner with them on their financial journey.

15. I’m grateful that my business has grown to allow me to take true vacations away. You know the kind with no contact with the team.

16. I’m thankful for friends like Renee Daggett whom I’ve shared my personal life and business life with.

17. I’m grateful that I found the Single’s group at FCC. May God keep us lunching together for many more years.

18. I’m gratefully for friends like Carrie Belair that unconditionally loves me and is always there when I need her.

19. I’m thankful for sunsets on the beach.

20. I’m thankful for music that calms the soul.

21. I’m thankful for doctors that help me keep moving.

22. I’m thankful for quiet places to still my mind.

23. I’m grateful for Netflix.

24. I appreciate technology that allows for me to learn at the click of a button.

25. I’m thankful for my Fitbit and Renpho scale – that keep me accountable for my health.

26. I’m grateful for an occasional glass of wine.

27. I’m grateful for old friends that come racing to your side even when it’s been years since our last conversation.

28. Thankful for rain.

29. Thankful for cozy days by the fire.

30. I know this is a repeat – BUT – I’m so thankful for my life.

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